Thursday, December 13, 2012

Immature White GYR Falcon

13 December - The book by Bill Clark, HAWKS, helped to nail the species as white and immature. That is - the words and the artwork. The Gyr was observed yesterday at Sullivan Road- Skagit Flats.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

GYR Falcon

12/12/12  Skagit Flats- Sullivan Road -which is North of D'Arcy Road  3:30 P.M
1 Gyr Falcon- described as white, but also black, and gray. The perched falcon had a very long tail which was tapered- this is distinctive. The head was very light gray. There was a dark belly band. The chest was white. The under tail was white. The wings and back were of brown, with distinct white flecks. There appeared to be no facial markings. The body of the hawk was very robust. The hawk appeared to be very calm and relaxed. There were ducks very near in a rain pond.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Golden Eagle- Skagit Flats

5 December   3 P.M.  Skagit Flats
1 Mature Golden Eagle, 8 Bald Eagles, 1 Peregrine Falcon, 1 R.T. Hawk all in flight and all in one small area of the sky. Also 1 perched R.T. Hawk. All sightings within 10 minutes.