Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mt. Erie mature Goshawk

Nov. 22  Campbell Lake Boat Launch Area 10:30 A.M - Anacortes.
1 Mature NG circling twice then over and behind the ridge line it went. Observation time 15 seconds. Bright sun, no wind, temps at 45. The sun reflected off the silver-gray chest and belly. The hawk was probably male, as the wings seemed too short to be a female NG. It looks like a hot-spot for observing more than one Goshawk. I have been to this area many times hawking. Now I understand that it is best to spend at least one and one-half hours at this location.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Merlin- many sightings

Nov.15  Anacortes city limits-This summer and fall I have many sightings of a merlin, possibly 15 sightings. The falcon sometimes goes to perch. The locations are from 2 areas; downtown Anacortes and the ridge line over- looking Anacortes, meaning Saint Mary's Church, Fidalgo Ave., 41st Ave., and the ball field- dog park on "H" Ave.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Goshawk- red mature female

Nov.13 - 11 A.M.  Campbell Lake Road, base of MT. Erie
1 hour of Hwatching.  This female NG was circling and drifting. The wings were too long to be a male NG. There was a large area of fluffy, white under tail coverts. The chest and belly were red. The hawk was over the height of the mountain. Observation time -1 minute. Bright sun- Zero wind- and warm.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Mile up Goshawk

Nov.8  10:30 a.m.  Campbell Lake Rd. base of Mt. Erie
1 goshawk probably female as the wings were too long to be male. The sighting was first naked eye and identified as goshawk. The hawk was circling in tight circles at about 200 feet elevation. Then the hawk was glassed as it rapidly spiraled upward to well-over 5,000 feet elevation.The hawk then could not be seen naked eye. The hawk had a square-tip tail and buffy chest and belly. Observation time about 2 minutes.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Oak Harbor Goshawk

Nov. 5  1:50 P.M.  Goldie RD. and Whidbey Ave.
1 male goshawk ripping through at about 150 feet elevation. The tail was very long and the wings were "S" shaped with pointed tips in a glide and while flapping. The wind was zero, with no sun, and temp at 45 degree. The sighting was naked eye.

goshawk- RED

Nov.5- 11 to 11:45 a.m.  Campbell Lake Road and base of MT. Erie- Anacortes
1  NG probably female since the wings were too long to be male. The hawk was circling over and over again and drifting. The chest and belly were of red vermiculation. The under tail coverts covered a large area and were white. For whatever reason I did not observe the underwing of the hawk. Also in the area were 3 B. Eagles, 1 R. T. Hawk, 2 Ravens.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

D'Arcy Road Male NG

Oct. 29 - 11-1p.m.- D'Arcy Road -Bay View Ridge
1 male NG soaring and circling over and over again. I set a hawkwatch on this road for 2 hours in bright sun, no wind. The hawk was far away and could not be resolved naked eye. On Nov.26, 2012 while driving I observed a NG in flight from this road. This Bay View Ridge Line area is a hot spot for NG.

Ridgeline goshawk

Oct. 30 - 9 a.m.  Near Saint Mary's Church
1 NG, probably female, because the wings were too long for male NG. 3 pigeons were in flight, somewhat near by the NG, suggesting that the NG was much larger than a pigeon,suggesting female NG. The hawk in a strong glide had its wrists cocked well forward, with the head "hidden" in the valley of the wrists. The NG was coming off my ridge line and heading for down town Anacortes. Winds were steady at 10 miles per hour and cool temps at 39 degrees.

Friday, November 1, 2013

goshawk hot spot- Bay View Ridge- Skagit Co.

I will now go to this hot spot more often, as over many years I have observed the goshawk- at least 1 male and at least 2 different (doubles) females, always in flight at these locations. Route 20 - one sighting, very near airport property, Skagit Regional Airport; 3 sightings-near the airport; 2 sightings on Josh Wilson Road; 2 sightings from Pidilla Bay Preserve; and 2 sightings from D'Arcy Road. Suggestion; there are other hawkwatch sites you can develop- just back away from the trees, even if one mile away. This is hawkwatching, not birding. You will not observe Cooper's soaring but might have a slim chance to observe Sharpie soaring. Notice; Cooper's are living on the ridge. The goshawks will drop down from higher elevation during fall, winter, and spring.
Where are these goshawks coming from? Probably from Blanchard Mountain. Yet, some Anacortes goshawks may  come to this area, the result might be new hook-ups- meaning a spreading of the gene pool.